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  • About us

    ABC Synthetics Private Limited was established in 1973. ABC, for the first time in India, started manufacturing PVC Braided Hose and Thermoplastic profile for furniture industry, with German know-how. Since then the Company introduced several products for the first time in India such as

    Stainless steel corrugated hose
    PTFE smooth bore and corrugated hose
    Thermoplastic High Pressure hose
    Composite hose

    Today, ABC deals in the full range of hose/hose assemblies of:

    Stainless steel corrugated hose
    PTFE smooth bore and corrugated hose
    PTFE Gas hose
    Rubber covered PTFE / PFA hose
    Chlorine / Bromine PTFE hose
    Thermoplastic High Pressure hose
    XLPE and UHMW hose
    Silicone Hose

    The Company’s reputation and growth have been built by providing reliable engineering and manufacturing solutions to the demanding needs of the high technology industries.

    A policy which maintains ABC’s position at the very forefront of the market.

    ABC’s modern factory is spread in 2200 Sq. Metre area and located in Sachin, near Surat, Gujarat.

    Production planning and control of customer’s orders is efficiently handled by utilisation of the latest computer techniques. Large inventory of many items in the range ensures quick deliveries.

Happy Clients and lots more year ahead will be added.

Projects of unsurpassed products and services to the clients.

Support To embrace new technologies and methods.

Hard Workers provide high quality service to customers.

Bromine Ptfe Hose * Bromine Ptfe Hoses * Chlorine And Bromine Hose * Chlorine Ptfe Hose * Chlorine Ptfe Hoses * Composite Hose * Composite Hoses * Extruded Convoluted P. T. F. E. Hose * Frp Nylon Moulding Powder * Frp Ptfe Moulding Powder * Frp Teflon Moulding Powder * Nylon Moulding Powder * Polypropylene Braided Convoluted P. T. F. E. Hose * Products * Ptfe Convoluted Vacuum And Suction Hose * Ptfe Flared Through Fittings * Ptfe Gas Hose * Ptfe Gas Hoses * Ptfe Moulding Powder * Ptfe Smooth Bore And Corrugated Hose * Ptfe Smooth Bore And Corrugated Hoses * Rubber Covered P. T. F. E. And P. F. A. Hose * Rubber Covered Pfa Hose * Rubber Covered Pfa Hoses * Rubber Covered Ptfe Hose * Rubber Covered Ptfe Hoses * Silicone Hose * Silicone Hoses * Smooth Bore And Plain P. T. F. E. Hose * Smooth Bore Ptfe Hose * Smooth Plain Ptfe Hose * Stainless Steel Corrugated Hose * Stainless Steel Corrugated Hoses * Suction And Delivery Hose * Tape Wrap P. T. F. E Convoluted Hose * Teflon Moulding Powder * Thermoplastic High Pressure Hose * Thermoplastic High Pressure Hoses * X. L. P. E. Suction And Delivery Hose * Xlpe And Uhmw Hose * Xlpe And Uhmw Hoses